Paint me a picture. You have a blank canvas. Imagine a year from now you could say “If someone would have told me I would accomplish ___, I would have said that’s impossible.” What would be happening? How would you be spending your time? What results would you have accomplished?
Experience tailor made one-on-one video conferencing sessions for you to explore how to create and generate extraordinary results. Jenna works with a limited number of clients to ensure quality of the coaching work over quantity of clients.
Consider having your leadership team receive coaching as a cohort. Jenna offers group coaching for teams to generate momentum, increase productivity together, build a stronger culture, and create exponential results.
This type of coaching is not for everyone. This coaching is specific for people interested in tapping into their full potential and overcoming obstacles challenges that have been in their way, up until now. It leaves no room for judgment, arrogance, or entitlement. There is room for vulnerability, humbleness, humility, and curiosity.
How to know if this type of coaching is NOT for you:
If you think it’s a coach’s job to tell you what to do.
If you are content living at an 8 out of 10 in your life.
If you blame others and external circumstances for your problems.
If you are defensive with receiving feedback.
If you are not interested in having a vision that requires you to grow yourself to accomplish it.
If you are not open to considering other perspectives, only yours is right.
If you are not willing to sacrifice being uncomfortable to achieve the results you're after.
If you are not excited about exploring generosity and creating an impact in the world.
Coaching is designed to allow and support clients in breaking through challenges while exuding and utilizing their strengths in the most optimal way.